Monday, October 6, 2008

Upgrade or Downgrade

Many celebrities have made some dramatic changes to their appearances, some for the better and some for the worse....Were going to call this one "Old or New", So which one do we like the old version or the new version.....

Old Aubrey of Danity Kane

New Aubrey

Old Kim Kardashian

New Kim Kardashian

Old Lil Kim

New Lil Kim


Ambrosia Malbrough said...

I definitely like the Old Kim Kardashian better. And is crazy as this my be, I actually like the new Lil kim much better. No comment on Ms. O'day, I think she's a mess

DARLINGdra-pLAY-sis said...

umm the old of everyone especially lil kim she was such a cutie but now she looks like tha woman that does my nails smh

Anonymous said...

OMG lil kim looks so different